
Standard Publication List


I. Organizational information, staff particulars

Data description Content
1. Official name, registered office, postal address, telephone and fax number, electronic mail address, website and customer service contact information of the MBVK

Name: Magyar Bírósági Végrehajtói Kar (Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers)

Registered office: 1146 Budapest, Cházár A. utca 13.

Postal address: 1590 Budapest, Postafiók 247

Telephone: +36-1-273-1595

Fax number: +36-1-273-1596

Electronic mail address: MBVK short name, 349507779 KRID identification by Office gate  (hivatali kapu) (It can be addressed on ePaper)


Customer service contact details:

in complaint cases: 1146 Budapest, Hermina út 63. fszt. 1.

in other cases: 1146 Budapest, Cházár A. utca 13.

in writing: 1590 Budapest, Postafiók 247.

electronically: by clicking here

2. Organizational structure of the MBVK, showing the departments, and the tasks and duties of each departmenti  Organogram
Organizational and operational rules (SZMSZ)
3. Name and title of the executive employees of the MBVK and its departments, including contact information (telephone and fax number, electronic mail address)

President:  Beáta Lupkovics (dr.)

Vice president:   Gergely Ódor (dr.)

Secretary:  Zoárd Kósa (dr.)

Member of the Board:  Szabolcs Kovássy  (dr.)

Member of the Board:  Gábor Papp (dr.)

Head of the Office:  Katalin Takács (dr.)

Additional employees entitled to issue official documents on the basis of the Rules on the issue of documents

Head of Office Secretariat Office: Bordás Mónika

Head of Customer Service and Complaints: Dr. Annamária Juhász

Head of Economic and Financial Office: Edina Kiss

Head of Audit and Disciplinary Office: Dr. Richárd Haska

Head of Legal Office: Dr. Zoltán Oláh

Head of Project Office : Dr Csukly Csilla

Telephone: +36-1-273-1595 (114) (Secretariat of the Board and the Office)

Electronic contact: Short name of the Office: MBVK by Office Gate

4. Name of the head of customer relations, including contact information (telephone and fax number, electronic mail address) and customer service hours

Customer service contact details:
Personal customer reception in complaint matters: on Wednesdays between 09:00 and 14:00, 1146 Budapest, Hermina út 63. fszt. 1.
Personal customer service in other matters (Preliminary appointment request is required): on Monday between 10:00 and 15:00, 1146 Budapest, Cházár A. utca 13.
electronically: by clicking here
Name of Customer Relationship Manager: Annamaria Juhász (dr.)

electronic contact: MBVK short name, 349507779 KRID identification by Office gate  (hivatali kapu) (It can be addressed on ePaper)

5. In respect of collegiate bodies, number of members and composition, name, title and contact information of members

Number of members:

Independent court bailiff: Töltés… 
Substitute independent court bailiff:  Töltés…
Assistant bailiff: Töltés…

Name, duty station and contacts of the bailiffs: Find a bailiff

6. Not relevant
7. Name, registered office and contact information (postal address, telephone and fax number, electronic mail address) of any economic operator in which the body with public service functions has a majority ownership share or participation, including scope of activities, name of representative, and the percentage of the share the body with public service functions controls

Városliget-ház 13 Zrt. (Registered office: 1146 Budapest, Cházár András utca 13., tax number: 22769536-2-42, telephone: +36 1 273 1595 (250), electronic contact: 22769536#cegkapu, scope of activities: Renting and operating of own or leased real estate, representative: Martonosi László, size of the holding of MBVK: 100%)

Foundation for Bailiffs (Registered office: 1146 Budapest, Cházár András utca 13., telephone: +36-1-273-1595, electronic contact:, scope of activities: increased protection and support of the members and families of the court enforcement organization, ensuring the professional level of assistant bailiff’s training– in cooperation with the founder – social assistance for the executor and his family who are out of work for a longer period of time, participation in the process of Western European legal harmonization and facilitating the professional part of the accession, representative: Orsolya Pálma Jeney (dr.) president,( size of the holding of MBVK: not relevant)

8. Not relevant
9. Not relevant
10. Not relevant
11. Particulars specified in Point 1 of the superior or supervisory body of the MBVK, or the body empowered to hear appeal cases relating to its regulatory decisions, or failing this, of the body exercising legal supervision of the MBVK.

The general supervisory body of MBVK:

Supervisory Authority of Controlled Activities

Registered office: 1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 50.

electronic contact:

Short name: SZTFH

KRID 469506375


II. Information relating to activities and operations

Data description Content
1. Unabridged version of the laws governing the responsibilities, competence and core activity of the MBVK functions, legal act for the governance of bodies governed by public law, organizational and operational regulations or operating procedures, data protection and data security regulations


Organizational and operational rules

Complaint handling policy

Handbook of supervise the activities of bailiff

Code of Ethics

Data Protection and Data Security Policy

Data request policy

Document management policy

Policy of issue official documents

Archive policies:

2. An information pamphlet on the duties and activities of the MBVK functions in English

Information on the tasks and activities of the National Order of Judicial Officers of Hungary

3. Nem releváns 
4. In connection with public administration, municipal government and other regulatory cases, name of the body having competence separately for each type of case and procedure, or the name and area of jurisdiction of the body actually proceeding where powers had been transferred, description of documents and other deeds required, procedural fees (administrative service fees), basic procedural rules, means (place and time) for the submission of documents for the opening of proceedings, office hours, administrative time limits (deadlines for processing and for appeals), guidelines, general information on handling cases and standard forms for downloading, access to electronic programs available for use, appointments, list of legislation for different types of cases, information on clients’ rights and obligations

Based on Section 254/H. of Act LIII of 1994 on Judicial Enforcement (hereinafter: Vht.) the Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers acts as an authority with national competence in the following matters based on the provisions of the Act CL of 2016 on General Public Administration Procedures.

consultation of information

5. Description and contents of public services provided by the body with public service functions or financed from budget, rules of access to public services, amount of fees charged for public services, any allowances from such fees

 consultation of information

6. Descriptive information on databases and registers maintained by the body with public service functions (name, format, purpose and legal basis of processing, duration of processing, data subjects involved, data sources, questionnaire, where applicable), particulars for the identification of records to be notified for the data protection register; type of data collected and processed by the body with public service functions within the framework of its principal activity, means of access, costs of making copies

consultation of information

7. Title and subject of publications of the body with public service functions, means of access, price of the publication


Published by Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers

It is published every two months

Online viewing

Members of the editorial board: György Schadl (dr.),  Lukács Tamás (dr.), Dr. Zoltán Schmidt (dr.), Katailn Takács (dr.)

Contact of the editor:

Telephone: 06-1-273-1595

Registration number: 163/2602/1/2011.

International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 2063-1596

8. In respect of collegiate bodies, decision-making process, means of participation by the general public (opinionate), procedural rules, place and time of settings of the collegiate body, publicity, decisions, minutes or summaries of meetings; information on voting in the collegiate body, if this is not restricted by law

Order of decision preparation, procedural rules

Section 252 of Act LIII of 1994 on Judicial Enforcement 

The Executive Board’s rules of procedure

9. Not relevant
10. Public announcements and statements made by the body with public service functions

Public interest information

Independent court bailiff positions (only in hungarian)

11. Not relevant
12. A közfeladatot ellátó szervnél végzett alaptevékenységgel kapcsolatos vizsgálatok, ellenőrzések nyilvános megállapításai  Az alapvető jogok biztosának jelentése az AJB-4108/2014 számú ügyében
13. Public findings of examinations and inspections carried out in connection with the core activity of the body with public service functions

Procedure for handling requests for information of public interest

Data protection notices

The data protection officer is responsible for answering data requests

Name and contact of data protection officer:

Csilla Csukly (dr.)

14. Not relevant
15. Information pertaining to a given body from mandatory data disclosure relating to public information NAIH report 2022
16. Not relevant
17. Special and ad hoc publication lists pertaining to the body with public service functions

Annex 3 of the regulations on the procedure for fulfilling requests to learn about public interest data managed by the Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers and the procedure for publishing public interest data

Special publication lists

Ad hoc publication list

18.- 25. Not relevant

III. Financial data

Data description Content
1. Annual (fiscal) budget of the MBVK, annual accounts under the Accounting Act or the annual budget report









till 2015.08.

2. Consolidated data on the staff of the body with public service functions, including personal benefits provided, and the remuneration, salary and regular benefits of executive officers and managers, in total, including their expense accounts, description and amounts of benefits provided to other employees Consultation of information
3. Not relevant
4. Not relevant
5. Not relevant
6. Payments of more than five million forints made by the body with public service functions outside the scope its basic functions (such as payments made to support association, to trade organizations representing the interests of its workers, to organizations active in educational, cultural, social and sports activities and services provided to its employees, and to foundations to support their activities)  –
7. Not relevant
8. Not relevant
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