The Electronic Delivery System of Enforcement Documents is „the Electronic notification system” defined in the Law on judicial enforcement amended on 13 December 2011. The law obligates financial institutions to use the system to receive and respond to requests sent by bailiffs searching for the debtor’s assets. Furthermore, any client in official contact with the bailiffs can join the system on it’s volition, after completing the preliminary registration procedure.
The Electronic Delivery System of Enforcement Documents is an improved version of the previously established Information System of Judgment creditors (VHKIR). The communication carried out in the financial institution inquiry system, which has been operating since the summer of 2009 — without changing the format of the inquiry and response messages — will be transferred to this system, the former system will eventually be discontinued.
Connection to the system
Registration can be initiated and data reporting can be completed on the website of Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers.
Before connecting tot he live system, it is recommended to test the communication in the test system.
Please indicate your intention to connect or your questions about the system at the address vhkir-ip@microsec.hu
In the Electronic Delivery System of Enforcement Documents, communication takes place via the VIEKR server, the server provides its services as specified in the specification (v1.0, previous version: v0.94).
Uniform format of messages transmitted by the system
The Electronic Delivery System of Enforcement Documents transmits XML messages in a predefined format. Each form in the system will have its own schema (.xsd). During communication with financial institutions, the previous message scheme is still to be used.
In the communication between judgment creditors and bailiffs, the scheme describing the frame data used by all messages was developed, as well as the scheme of message containing the General form (current version: 1.22). Further schemes are being developed continuously.
Current schemes: https://vhkir.mbvk.hu/schema/
Certificates that can be used in the system
Please note that in the VHKIR system, the certificates to be used (signatory, encryption and authentication) must be specified for each user. It is mandatory to use at least certificate with Advanced Security in the live system, and in all three certificates, the owner’s globally unique identifier assigned by the given authentication service provider must be included in the SERIALNUMBER field among the owner’s data (Subject DN). In the case of certificates assigned to one user, they must match.
If Microsec has issued the certificates for you, then they must be like this: (but such certificates can also be requested from other service providers).
e.g. The Owner’s data (Subject DN) in the “Tesztelő Péterke” certificate:
E = info@e-szigno.hu
CN = ifj. Teszt Péter
O = Microsec zrt.
L = Budapest
C = HU
Technical assistance can be used to connect to the system. On behalf of our organization, the employees of Microsec Zrt. provide assistance at the following contacts: Email: support@viekr.mbvk.hu, Phone: (1) 505-4444
© 2025. Magyar Bírósági Végrehajtói Kar. Minden jog fenntartva.
© 2025. Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers. All rigths reserved.