
What does the foreclosure moratorium mean?

The bailiff cannot take measures to evict a private individual from a residential property, between 15 November and 30 April. This does not apply for the evacuation of a residential property that was occupied unlawfully, or if the obligor had previously been fined for contempt. In the case of these persons, the bailiff must take measures to evict them during the above period as well. An arbitrary tenant is not only someone who arbitrarily moves into an empty property, so he does not have and never had a legal title to live there, but also someone who entered into a fixed-term rental contract, but did not voluntarily leave the property after it expired. (Vht. 182/A. §)

However, the provisions on the moratorium on eviction apply to private tenants who have entered into a fixed-term tenancy agreement and who are considered as squatters but have not voluntarily vacated the residential property, so the bailiff cannot take any action to evict them during the above period (Section 183/A (2) of the Act and Section 183/C (2) of the Act).

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