
My vehicle was seized. What does that mean?

In respect of the seizure of a motor vehicle the bailiff shall also seize the registration papers and the title of the vehicle and record it in the seizure report. The bailiff sends a copy of the seizure report along with the registration papers and the vehicle title, if seized, to the competent traffic control authority which shall register the restraint on alienation and encumbrance on that basis without delay. In view of the existence of the ban on alienation and encumbrance, the vehicle cannot be given as collateral and its ownership cannot be transferred to another person.

If seizure of the registration papers or the vehicle title is frustrated, the bailiff may call upon the traffic control authority after thirty days following the registration of the restraint on alienation and encumbrance to withdraw the vehicle’s operating permit. The bailiff may also effect seizure of a motor vehicle based on the data contained in the register of motor vehicles. The traffic control authority, based on the seizure report, registers the restraint on alienation and encumbrance in this case as well, and then – similarly to the case where the seizure of the registration papers and the title of the vehicle has failed – after thirty days following the registration of the restraint on alienation and encumbrance, take action at the request of the bailiff in order to withdraw the vehicle from traffic.

If the seizure of the registration papers and the title of the vehicle has failed or the seizure was take place on the basis of the registration data, and therefore the vehicle is withdrawn from circulation only after 30 days following the registration of the restraint on alienation and encumbrance, the debtor may still use the seized vehicle during this period – until it is withdrawn from circulation. The sale of the vehicle is possible after 30 days have passed after the seizure. (Article 103., 115 (1) of theVht.)

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