
How much can be deducted from my Pension Payments?

No more than 33 per cent of the social security pension (benefits provided before the legal age limit, service emoluments, dance artists’ annuities and provisional miners’ allowance may be withheld.

Deduction of no more than 50 per cent may be effected from pension payments for child support, pension received without entitlement and in the case of more than one garnishment order. Deduction from orphan’s pension may be effected only up to 50 per cent and only to recover any orphan’s pension received without entitlement (Vht.67 §).

Similar to the rules for deductions from wages, from the amount remaining after the deductions the portion of monthly wages in excess of 200 000 Forint may be subject to garnishment without restrictions (Vht. 67 §).

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