
How can I find out what enforcement procedures are in progress against me?

The administrative department of the Association issues a certificate upon written request:

a) For an applicant who is not listed in the register of enforcement cases, to prove that he is not listed as a debtor of an enforcement procedure in the register of enforcement cases,

b) For the applicant listed in the register of enforcement cases for the purpose of verifying his data in the register of enforcement cases.

The amount of reimbursement to be paid for the issuance of the certificate on the data of the central case register per person included in the central case register:

3,000 HUF in the case of a certificate according to point a,

6,000 HUF in the case of a certificate according to point b.

Reimbursement for the certificate can be made by transfer to the Association’s income account 10103173-09701100-03003002 at MBH.

The Association shall issue such certificates in the form of an authentic instrument on paper or in electronic format, as requested, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the request. After filling out the form on the website operated by the Association, the paper-based form can be printed out and sent by post and the electronic application can be completed and signed electronically on the interface on the page referred to above, and then forwarded electronically to the Association. Filling instructions is available at the following link:

The application must be accompanied by proof of the payment of the amount of reimbursement, the authorization for submitting the application must be attached to the application submitted by proxy. (Vht. 253/E. § (6)

Right of access by the data subject

On the basis of the data subject’s right to be ensured pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter: GDPR) the natural person about whom a data controller keeps records can request information and feedback from the data controller about the conditions and circumstances of the processing of his personal data. The Association is considered to be the data controller in relation to the official public records of enforcement procedures. Natural persons are therefore entitled to request information about data management at the Association and, in addition to the data, to receive access to the following information:

– name and contact details of the data controller, and contact details of his data protection officer

– the purposes and legal basis of the processing

– the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been disclosed

– the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored

– rights of the data subject, legal remedies

– information about the source of the data

– does the data controller carry out automated decision-making and profiling, if so, what are the circumstances of this.

Within the framework of his right of access, the data subject – based on article 15 (3) of the GDPR – can request once free of charge a copy of the personal data undergoing processing from the Association. This data service can be requested in writing (electronically on the website: or by post) or in person by providing personal identification data (surname and birth name, date of birth, mother’s name), which data service is provided by the Association in the form of an electronic notification sent to the Customer Gateway Storage of the data requester or in the form of a letter with return receipt sent to the postal address of the requester.

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