
Is the property purchased at auction free of encumbrances?

Acquisition of property at auction is considered as an original acquisition The ownership right of the new owner acquiring a seized immovable property shall only have the following encumbrances: a) easement; b) right of use for public purposes; c) beneficial ownership recorded in the real estate register; d) beneficial ownership by virtue of law even if it is not recorded in the real estate register.

The rights of the new owner of an immovable property shall not be limited by any right of beneficial use, whether or not recorded in the real estate register, if the holder of such usufruct is liable to satisfy the claim of the judgment creditor, or if it was established by contract after the mortgage has been attached. (Article 137. (1)-(2).)

It should be noted that the independent bailiff may not be aware of any utility debt (e.g. water bill debt) on the property, or its amount, so it is advisable to request information from the public service providers in advance.

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