
What is the sequence of satisfaction regarding the division of the amount received?

If the proceeds of enforcement are insufficient to cover all claims, the priority order of satisfaction shall be the following based on the legal title of claims: a) child support, b) other form of statutory maintenance, c) employee’s wages and other emoluments construed as such (Sections 65 and 66), d) civil claims caused by a criminal offense and awarded in civil actions or criminal proceedings to the injured party against the judgment debtor, e) sums payable to the State established by judgment against the judgment debtor in criminal, penal enforcement or misdemeanor proceedings, claims arising from confiscation of assets (with the exception of civil claims), f) tax and social security claims and other outstanding public dues, g) other claims;h) disciplinary fines imposed during the enforcement procedure. As regards the recovery of one sum maintenance payments – except for claims for support based on notarial document and order for payment -, the maintenance fee shall be satisfied according to Paragraph a) or b) of Subsection (1) up to the amount due on a time basis for the period until the plan of apportionment is completed, whereas the remaining sum of the maintenance fee, and claims for one sum maintenance payments based on notarial document and order for payment may be satisfied under other claims.

The costs incurred by the enforcement and collection of the claim and established by the court (authority) and the associated costs of the claim shall be satisfied in the same order as the claim itself.

After the first claim in the sequence has been completely satisfied, the claim that is further behind in the sequence can be satisfied. If the proceeds are insufficient to cover all claims listed in the same sequence, such claims shall be satisfied proportionately. (Vht. 165. §-168. §)

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