The Association’s professional journal Executio appeared with a new publication in 2016 after a break of about two years. According to the plans of the Office of the Association, the restarted journal will be published 4-6 times a year.
Our publication, renewed both in form and in content, is primarily intended for the legal profession, including bailiffs and substitute court bailiffs. At the same time, the Association also counts on the interest of ministries, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and law students, i.e. all segments of the legal profession. The aim of the Association is for the periodical to reach the broad spectrum of justice and inform readers a
bout the legal issues related mainly to the enforcement service, about our Association’s events and international relations. In this way, ministries, courts, bar associations, chambers of notaries, prosecutors and universities also receive our publication. In the journal, we provide space for Hungarian and foreign professional publications related to the field of enforcement, informational materials and summaries following legislative changes, and interesting lectures presented at conferences. The periodical also reports on the Association’s international relations and important events in his life, includi
ng oaths and personnel changes. The editorial board of the journal Executio is constantly waiting for legal articles, which are primarily related to the profession of judicial officers or to the field of enforcement law, to the e-mail address executiofolyoirat@mbvk.hu. Considering communication as an unavoidable and extremely important area in the life of an organization, through our professional journal, we want to provide news about progress, events, official announcements and work carried out within the organization.
New and previous issues of the journal Executio are available in electronic form on the website of the Association.
© 2025. Magyar Bírósági Végrehajtói Kar. Minden jog fenntartva.
© 2025. Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers. All rigths reserved.