Find a case
With the help of the search interface under the Find a case menu item, the user can get information about which independent bailiff the enforcement case was assigned to, the interface also provides information about the address of the bailiff and the enforcement case number. In the case of enforcement procedures ordered by a notary public, search can be made regarding cases started after 2010, and in the case ordered by a court, enforcement procedures started after 2017.
To search, enter the case number in the case number field, then click "Start search!" button.
You can search on the interface by entering the following data:
In the case of an enforcement procedure ordered by a notary public, on the basis of the case number of the certificate of enforcement or of the enforcement clause issued by the notary public (e.g.: 12345/Ü/12345/2017/123, 12345/N/12345/2017),
In the case of an enforcement procedure ordered by a court, on the basis of the case number of the certificate of enforcement or of the enforcement clause issued by the court (e.g..:12345-I.Vh.12/2017, Pk.12.12345/2017/123)
You can also search on the interface by knowing the enforcement case number (e.g.: 123.V.1234/2011, 123.V.1234/2020/123).
The database does not provide information about the payment order issued by the notary public (the payment order is not yet an enforceable document), however, this does not apply in the event that the payment order was served by a judicial officer, in which case the database contains the name and contact information of the judicial officer who performed the service.
During the search an exact match is required, therefore the use of unnecessary characters and spaces must be avoided when entering the data. We draw the attention of users to the correct use of punctuation marks (points or commas). If you enter the case number in an incorrect format, the search interface will not produce any results.
© 2025. Magyar Bírósági Végrehajtói Kar. Minden jog fenntartva.
© 2025. Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers. All rigths reserved.