Social campaign
For the information of clients, we make available on the website the commercials that were broadcast on television during the awareness and communications campaign carried out in recent years, serving to familiarize the clients with the enforcement procedure and to promoting cooperation.
The commercials present the practice of court enforcement in Hungary, so that people who come into contact with the enforcement procedure can get to know the procedure and the persons and organizations involved in it.
The short films provide debtor clients with useful information on avoiding enforcement, and by indicating the points of assistance leading to the effective termination of enforcement proceedings, draw attention to the possibilities of cooperation with the judicial officer
We would like to inform you that the final user right of the advertising materials published on the website belongs to Association without limitation in terms of time, space and number of pieces used. Within this framework, the Association is entitled to publish and use these materials for an unlimited period of time. Any use of advertising material beyond what is permitted above is only possible with the prior written consent of the Association’s Office.
What you need to know about enforcement
The brochure of the Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers
(only in Hungarian)
© 2025. Magyar Bírósági Végrehajtói Kar. Minden jog fenntartva.
© 2025. Hungarian Association of Judicial Officers. All rigths reserved.